Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Say bye bye to overused words!

Do you want to make your writing more exciting and interesting? Replace overused words and add details!

Here's an example by one of our talented, young writers:

"My brother, Terence, is the best cook in the world.  He makes some delicious dishes.  Last night, for example, Terence made a spectacular dinner for my parents and me.  We had a salad with carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, and, the best of all, croutons!  Then, he served bread, beans, and spaghetti with meatballs.  The tomato sauce on the meatballs was terrific.  Everyone loved it.  After we ate we were stuffed.  But we always know to save room for Terence's appetizing desserts.  This time, he baked a sweet chocolate cream pie with a flaky crust.  My mom was delighted because she adores chocolate cream pie.  Usually, dinner time is the most chaotic time of the day at our house--but when Terence cooks, we're all too occupied munching to say a word!"

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